Frequently asked questions

What is NHEHS’ Giving Day?

Our Giving Day for Bursaries is a 36-hour celebration and fundraising challenge for the whole NHEHS community - students, alumnae, parents and staff - present and past. We are asking everyone to give what they can to our 150th Anniversary Bursary Appeal, to create two new, life-changing bursaries as a philanthropic legacy for the school’s big birthday year.

As well as our legendary Hill Fest, celebrating the performing arts, we plan a number of fun events for all those in our community to enjoy.

With thousands of pounds to unlock in matched and challenge funding, it’s a day like no other and your gift will go even further than usual. It will be a transformational day of giving; everyone makes a difference.

Our Giving Day takes place from 8am on Tuesday 2nd July and ends 8pm on Wednesday 3rd July.

Why support Bursaries?

NHEHS is an outstanding school, with no trade-off between academic excellence and a friendly, supportive and empowering atmosphere. Each year we proudly send an amazing cohort of young women, who are motivated, warm-hearted and globally-minded, into the adult world.

This year is our 150th birthday. Our founders aspired for an inclusive, accessible education; that vision is under threat. We need your help. Our 150th Anniversary appeal is for you to help us create two new, transformational bursaries for local young women with buckets of talent and potential, but from homes for whom such an education is far beyond reach.

What choices do I have?

We present two Appeals for your consideration:

  • Parents’ 150th Anniversary Bursary Appeal
  • While all gifts are welcome, this is primarily designed for our current school community of students, parents and staff.

  • OGA Alumnae 150th Anniversary Bursary Appeal
  • While all gifts are welcome, this is primarily designed for alumnae, former parents and former staff.

    What are your targets?

    Our Appeals require £180,000 each to create seven-year, 95%+, i.e. transformational, bursaries. Currently the total ‘pot’ for the Parents’ 150th Anniversary Bursary stands at £156,000 so £24,000 is still needed and for the OGA Alumnae 150th Anniversary Bursary stands at £130,000 so £50,000 is still needed. (*includes pledges). We are nearly there! Our targets are achievable with everyone’s support. If we can raise even more than that - fantastic! - we will extend our impact to more young women who require that level of financial assistance to access our school.

    What difference will my donation make?

    Your gift today will enable young women with the talent but not the means to come to and thrive at NHEHS.

    All gifts, of every size, go directly to the Appeal and will make a real difference. Having a large number of donors encourages others to support us too, so we would love as many members of our community to participate in NHEHS’ Giving Day as possible.

    How will my gift be recognised?

    All donations will receive an email receipt and will be recognised on the Giving Day Donor Wall. You can also give anonymously if you prefer.

    How can I make my gift?

    We’d love you to join in on 2nd to 3rd July but we understand that your schedule might not allow you to participate during the Giving Day itself.

    There are several ways to make your gift, whether you’d like to give on the day, before or after it:

    During the Giving Day (2nd to 3rd July)

    Online: through our NHEHS' Giving Day platform (the site you're currently on)

    By post: Cheques made out to The Girls' Day School Trust can be sent to The Philanthropy & Alumnae Engagement Team, GDST, 10 Bressenden Place, London SW1E 5DH

    Before the day:

    If you would like to make an early gift to NHEHS' Giving Day, if you would like to make an early gift to NHEHS' Giving Day, the best way to do this is through option on the platform.

    If you cannot give online, you can still give early by post (see above). Please be sure to indicate that your gift should support 'NHEHS' Giving Day'.

    After the day:

    This platform will stay open until 31st July 2024; thereafter please give via the GDST website

    Is my payment secure?

    Yes. All payments through the NHEHS Giving Day website will be securely processed by a secure, off-site payment processor called Stripe

    Why is my payment not going through?

    We’re sorry that you’re having difficulty making your gift. Common errors include:

  • Incorrect card details
  • Postcode is incorrect or doesn’t match the address linked to your card.
  • Please double-check the above before you contact us.

    If you continue to have problems making your gift, please email us at You can also call us during office hours on +44(0) 20 8799 8400

    If the issue cannot be resolved, you can donate online through the GDST website Please let us know if you have donated this way so we can count it towards the NHEHS’ Giving Day total.

    Is there a minimum donation?

    The minimum online gift amount is £1.

    Can I claim Gift Aid on this donation?

    Yes! If you are a UK taxpayer and have paid as much Income Tax and/or Capital Gains tax as the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all of your donations in that tax year, we can reclaim the basic tax rate (25%) on your gift, with no extra cost to you. So, for example, your donation of £100 will be worth £125.

    Can I donate tax-efficiently from abroad?

    If you live outside the UK and pay taxes in your country of residence, you may be able to make your gift to the GDST more tax efficient through an organisation such as Transnational Giving Europe or the British Schools and Universities Foundation. Please email the GDST Philanthropy team on for more information.

    Can I include a gift in my Will to support NHEHS?

    Yes! Many alumnae have already done this contact Molly Tollit, our Development Manager, on
    for more information.

    How can I spread the word?

    Your support will make a huge difference to our Giving Day. Post about our Giving Day using the hashtag #NHEHSGivingDay on Facebook, X, LinkedIn and Instagram - and don’t forget to tag us! Make sure to tell your friends about this exciting way to get involved and make a difference. 

    My question hasn’t been answered. How can I get in touch?

    Feel free to get in touch with Molly at or call +44(0) 20 8799 8400.